What is Leasing Assignment Help Services Online?

Leasing assignment help services online are academic assistance services that provide support to students who are studying leasing or related subjects. Leasing refers to a contractual arrangement where one party (the lessor) grants another party (the lessee) the right to use an asset for a specified period of time in exchange for periodic payments. Leasing is a complex topic that requires a thorough understanding of accounting, finance, and legal principles.

Leasing assignment help services online typically offer a range of services to students, including guidance on understanding leasing concepts, assistance with solving leasing problems and calculations, and help with writing leasing assignments or papers. These services are provided by subject-matter experts who have in-depth knowledge of leasing concepts and can provide accurate and reliable assistance to students.

Plagiarism-free write-ups are a crucial aspect of leasing assignment help services online. They ensure that the content provided to students is original and not copied from any other source. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that can result in severe consequences, including failing the assignment or even facing expulsion from school or university. Therefore, reputable leasing assignment help services online use plagiarism-detection tools and employ experienced writers who create custom, unique, and well-researched content for each assignment.

In summary, leasing assignment help services online are academic assistance services that provide support to students studying leasing or related subjects. They offer guidance, problem-solving assistance, and help with writing assignments or papers, while ensuring that the content is original and plagiarism-free.

Various Topics or Fundamentals Covered in Leasing Assignment

Leasing is a popular form of financing that allows businesses and individuals to use assets, such as equipment or vehicles, without owning them outright. Leasing assignments often cover a wide range of topics and fundamentals related to leasing. Here are some key areas that may be covered in a leasing assignment:

Types of Leases: Leasing assignments may cover the different types of leases, including operating leases, finance leases, and sale and leaseback arrangements. Operating leases are typically short-term leases where the lessor retains ownership of the asset and is responsible for maintenance and repairs. Finance leases, on the other hand, are long-term leases where the lessee has the option to purchase the asset at the end of the lease term. Sale and leaseback arrangements involve the sale of an asset by the lessee to the lessor, who then leases it back to the lessee.

Lease Structure: Lease assignments may also cover the structure of a lease, including the identification of the lessor, lessee, and the leased asset. This may include understanding the roles and responsibilities of each party, the terms and conditions of the lease, and the lease payments, including the amount, timing, and frequency of payments.

Accounting for Leases: Another important topic covered in leasing assignments is the accounting treatment of leases. This may involve understanding the relevant accounting standards, such as the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), and how leases are classified and reported in financial statements. Topics such as lease classification criteria, lease payments, lease term, and lease liability may be discussed in detail.

Lease vs. Buy Analysis: Leasing assignments may also involve comparing the financial implications of leasing versus buying an asset. This may include understanding the concept of the time value of money, calculating present value of lease payments, determining the net present value (NPV) of lease versus buy options, and evaluating the financial and non-financial factors that influence the decision to lease or buy.

Legal and Tax Implications: Leasing assignments may cover the legal and tax implications of leasing, including understanding the rights and obligations of lessors and lessees, the legal requirements for a valid lease contract, and the tax treatment of lease payments for both lessors and lessees. This may also include understanding the implications of lease termination, default, and early termination options.

Risks and Mitigation Strategies: Leasing assignments may also discuss the risks associated with leasing and ways to mitigate them. This may include identifying risks such as residual value risk, obsolescence risk, credit risk, and legal and regulatory risks, and understanding strategies to manage these risks, such as obtaining insurance, structuring lease terms, and conducting due diligence on lessors or lessees.

Lease Administration: Lastly, leasing assignments may cover the practical aspects of lease administration, including lease documentation, lease negotiation, and lease monitoring. This may involve understanding the key clauses in lease agreements, negotiating lease terms, and managing lease contracts throughout the lease term.

In conclusion, leasing assignments cover a wide range of topics and fundamentals related to leasing, including types of leases, lease structure, accounting for leases, lease vs. buy analysis, legal and tax implications, risks and mitigation strategies, and lease administration. It is important to ensure that any written work on leasing assignments is plagiarism-free and properly cited, giving credit to original sources as appropriate.

Explanation of Leasing Assignment with the help of Microsoft by showing all formulas

Leasing is a common method used by businesses to acquire assets such as equipment, vehicles, or machinery without making an upfront purchase. In this assignment, we will use Microsoft Excel to calculate the financial aspects of a leasing arrangement, including the monthly lease payments, interest expense, and the impact on the balance sheet.

Let’s start by setting up the assumptions for our leasing arrangement:

Lease Term: The length of the lease agreement in months.

Lease Rate: The annual interest rate on the lease, expressed as a decimal.

Lease Amount: The total value of the leased asset.

Residual Value: The estimated value of the leased asset at the end of the lease term.

Payment Frequency: The frequency of lease payments (e.g. monthly, quarterly, etc.).

Company’s Cost of Capital: The company’s required rate of return on investment, expressed as a decimal.

With these assumptions, we can now calculate the monthly lease payments using the following formula in Excel:

= PMT(rate, nper, pv, fv)


rate: The lease rate divided by the payment frequency (e.g. monthly lease rate = annual lease rate / 12 for monthly payments).

nper: The total number of payment periods, which is the lease term multiplied by the payment frequency.

pv: The present value or lease amount of the asset.

fv: The future value or residual value of the asset.

The result of this formula will give us the monthly lease payment.

Next, we can calculate the interest expense associated with the lease. The interest expense is the difference between the total lease payments and the lease amount. We can use the following formula in Excel to calculate the interest expense:

= Total Lease Payments – Lease Amount


Total Lease Payments: The sum of all lease payments over the lease term, which is the monthly lease payment multiplied by the total number of payment periods.

The result of this formula will give us the interest expense associated with the lease.

Moving on, we can analyze the impact of the leasing arrangement on the balance sheet. Leased assets are recorded as an operating lease on the balance sheet, and the liability associated with the lease is recorded as a lease liability. We can calculate the initial lease liability using the following formula in Excel:

= Lease Amount – Down Payment


Down Payment: The upfront payment made by the lessee to the lessor, if any.

The result of this formula will give us the initial lease liability on the balance sheet.

Additionally, we need to calculate the interest expense and the reduction in the lease liability for each period. The interest expense for each period can be calculated using the following formula in Excel:

= Lease Liability at the beginning of the period * Lease Rate


Lease Liability at the beginning of the period: The lease liability from the previous period, if any.

The result of this formula will give us the interest expense for each period.

The reduction in the lease liability for each period can be calculated as the difference between the lease payment and the interest expense for that period. We can use the following formula in Excel:

= Lease Payment – Interest Expense

The result of this formula will give us the reduction in the lease liability for each period.

In conclusion, using Microsoft Excel, we can easily calculate the financial aspects of a leasing arrangement, including the monthly lease payments, interest expense, and the impact on the balance sheet. By inputting the appropriate assumptions and using the formulas mentioned above, we can accurately analyze and understand the financial implications of leasing for businesses. It is important to note that these calculations are based on the assumptions and formulas provided, and may vary depending on the specific terms and conditions of the leasing arrangement.


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